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The combo counter resets every time one does any kind of test or quiz! ? - Feed Post by mog86uk

The combo counter resets every time one does any kind of test or quiz! ?

I've found that it happens for all of the following sections: Notes, Readings, Lessons (both vocabulary and kanji), Oblivion (both vocabulary and kanji)
posted by mog86uk

Comments 7

  • mog86uk
    I'm surprised nobody else has mentioned this yet, as it is pretty inconvenient...

    I'm glad my combo wasn't anything special. Makes me wonder how Medyrius would have felt, if he had got caught out by this issue at the time his crazy combo was almost at the 100000 mark! :P
  • freakymrq
    I was planning on catching up on all the vocab lessons but I got lazy :P
    thanks for catching onto this though
  • Zogundar
    Is this WAD?
  • mog86uk
    'WAD' = 'works as designed'? Not sure, but I doubt it.

    I should have mentioned that I did all those quizzes/tests without answering any questions wrong! I should probably have been more specific...
  • kekkou
    The Oblivion list does reset the combo bonus. I'll forward this to @beeant. Thanks, @mog86!
  • beeant
    Thank you again for the report mog86uk! As you can see in our todo list, I will fix this asap.
  • beeant
    mog86uk, thank you very much for your report. this kind of bug is actually kind of dangerous, but luckily it's not that dangerous. what I meant is that it's located in the codes of practice area.
    I have just fixed this problem.


