Wait, what? How have I answered that 28 times before, and now I see it and it looks like something… - Feed Post by mog86uk
Wait, what? How have I answered that 28 times before, and now I see it and it looks like something I've never seen! Is it even a real word? Apparently I answered this '3 days ago' too... definitely don't remember seeing it.
It's a shame I don't have 'show kana' turned on, I don't know what the kana version says. However, the audio says 'su・ru'... So I'm guessing this word is supposed to be '為る' ?

It's a shame I don't have 'show kana' turned on, I don't know what the kana version says. However, the audio says 'su・ru'... So I'm guessing this word is supposed to be '為る' ?

posted by mog86uk June 7, 2014 at 11:39pm
Comments 12
- I answered with 'do', and it was the correct answer...
I can't see how this question could always been written that way on here, unless maybe I have never encountered this question with more than one verb in the answer... But still, I was really surprised to see that kanji. I nearly always have kana and audio turned off, and also I know what 為 looks like and didn't even recognise this 寿 kanji at all -- it is far too different from 為 for me to not notice it that many times...June 7, 2014 at 11:47pm - yes,i have similar error but with another card
Must be 一百二万円 and another readings.June 8, 2014 at 12:00am - 一百二万円 would be wrong... 100 = 百, not 一百, so 1020000円 would be written as 百二万円
I think that question has always been written like that. I've just assumed it might be something that could be written on a hotel sign, meaning something like '20000 yen to stay for one night' which is a pretty extortionate price now that I think about it, so I'm not sure it really does mean that! :DJune 8, 2014 at 12:10am - yes, I just changed する to 寿る in the kanji part of this vocabulary item.
The purpose is to show ? dictionary button in the lesson and answer log.
However, 寿る is rarely used in written Japanese as I far as I have seen. Maybe I need to change it back to する and try another approach to show the ? dictionary button.June 8, 2014 at 12:14am - But isn't it meant to be 為る? 寿 has 'す' as a reading, but it is an onyomi and can be used to write sushi 寿司, but don't think it's another way of writing する... :P
What about the 一泊二万円 one, is that correct? For that expensive price I'm beginning to wonder if it has something to do with prostitutes! o_O Only joking though. :DJune 8, 2014 at 12:21am - Sorry, I've never seen the word. I can't read it. There is no list in a dictionary on Mac.June 8, 2014 at 1:50am
- 一泊2万円する旅館やホテルはありますよ。でも、私は泊まれません。高すぎます。笑June 8, 2014 at 1:51am
- oh yes, mistake it has to be 為る, 寿 is for 寿司... sorry >.<
yes it's correct. as mogmog said there are 一泊二万円 hotels. 1万-2万 is roughly the average price for 3-4 stars hotels. it has nothing to do with prostitutes haha, it's gonna cost much more expensive if so.June 8, 2014 at 2:10am - anyway, I just changed back 寿る to するJune 8, 2014 at 2:11am
- hmm, thanks for an explanation. thats why in practice with readings after answer better show not only readings but all including translation.June 8, 2014 at 2:18am
- I had only just woken up earlier and wasn't thinking properly. I was thinking in my head that 20,000 yen (JPY) = 200 pounds (GBP). 200 pounds would be crazy for one night, because you can find 5 star hotels in London for less than that (although I have now learnt that many are actually more expensive than 200 pounds).
However, that conversion rate I had mixed up was the one for yen to dollars (USD). I normally remember the conversion rate in my head correctly, as it's pretty simple.The actual conversion rate is roughly:
100 JPY = 1 USD = 0.60 GBP
So 20,000 yen is more like 120 pounds (200 dollars). Still an insane price to most of us ordinary people, but not quite as extreme as I was thinking earlier. ^^;June 8, 2014 at 9:11am - I think so, ordinary people can't stay there with a relax. You can find these hotels in hotel.com or expedia.com, etc. It's interesting to see them.June 8, 2014 at 12:16pm