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this sign 学 is not in the chapter four study guild but in the test plz someone tell me what it means - Feed Post by marabean

this sign 学 is not in the chapter four study guild but in the test plz someone tell me what it means
posted by marabean

Comments 6

  • mogmog
    学(がく・まな(ぶ)) measn "to study"
    学校(がっこう) school  学生(がくせい) student
    英語を学ぶ study English / learn English
  • mogmog
    This word is related to school and studying.
    学習(がくしゅう) studying/learning
    学部(がくぶ) department(in a university)
    学長(がくちょう) a president (of a school)
  • marabean
    thanks mogmog
  • mog86uk
    I noticed this before too. Kanji chapter 4 says has 9 kanji in the lesson, says it has '9 kanji', but the test has 10 kanji... the extra kanji in the test is that 学.

    学 is from kanji chapter 51! :P
  • mogmog
    You're welcome @marabean san
    Wow, you know very well, @mog san
  • Harman
    It means learning, any kanji with that symbol in it has something to do with learning (gaku) is how it is said.


