Bleh, I only read the first word of the answer... What sucks more though is that I've never gotten… - Feed Post by mog86uk
Bleh, I only read the first word of the answer... What sucks more though is that I've never gotten it wrong before and now it is never going to be 'excellent' ever again. What sucks more than that though is the realisation that I would not have gained any EXP even if I had answered it correctly (because I've answered it more than 29 times already)!! >_>
posted by mog86uk June 19, 2014 at 1:23pm
Comments 19
- It happens. I've gotten 彼女 wrong before, and I've mixed up 結婚 and 婚約:((June 19, 2014 at 1:31pm
- Ah, I know what you mean! Marry, marriage, wedding, engagement, fiance, honeymoon,... I always pay extra attention when I see any of those easy to mix up words. Luckily I somehow got it stuck in my head early on that 約 means promise and is read やく. 約 stands out fairly well and its meaning helps identify that the word is about a promise = engagement, or someone who is engaged. ^^June 19, 2014 at 2:03pm
- I don't get the new right wrong system, but I did notice that once you make a mistake it'll never go blue again and that makes me very sad.June 19, 2014 at 7:16pm
- Yes, it seems a bit odd, why not set the system to mark words in blue (excellent) once the level of say 90% right answers is reached?!June 19, 2014 at 8:08pm
- It sometimes happens to me, even though I am Japanese. lol 早とちり is the key word. You should answer it very carefully...June 19, 2014 at 8:10pm
- @mog, wait until you realize that this word that you already know is going to continue to appear because it is now one of your weaker words orz
A frequent recurring word for me is 口... Even when I get stats like 150:1 that clearly show that I've memorized a word, it's still a poorer ratio than my excellent ones :(.
Oh well, I'm pretty much done with the vocab on this site.June 19, 2014 at 10:26pm - 90% does sound like a much more sensible amount for questions to be marked as 'excellent'. And yeah, 150 correct + 1 wrong = 'good', while something like 2 correct + 0 wrong = 'excellent'... I don't think that should be right considering you might have just got those 2 correct by random guessing, and answered the other question wrong once simply because the mouse slipped...
I just set Practice to level 1 to try to quickly get back to 100 combo... After about 50 questions my hand slipped and I got yet another question wrong for the first time! >_<
After just 150 questions, my stats for 給料 have already increased from 30 correct + 1 wrong, to 48 correct + 1 wrong... >_>
Also, for answering all those 150 questions I earned a total EXP of -12 ! ;_;June 19, 2014 at 11:36pm - I agree with you, I've lost excellent status recently due to my lovely mouse that stuck and replied to two questions in a row without consulting me first. :p That sucks, especially when it's something super easy written in kana. My computer died since and today I had to borrow someone else's computer to do my practice and guess what? The touch pad is also acting on his own...Am I unlucky or is my hand too....powerful? Anyway, I have to make a confession here, I'm having relationships with other learning Japanese websites as well, but I swear you are my main one! On Tanoshii Japanese, for instance, a kanji is mastered when you got it right more than 6 times (I think), instead of starting at 100% you start at 0. I think it's more encouraging this way, because here once you reached your limit of points or lost your 100%, there is nothing else to keep you motivated (well I still aim for 95-99%)June 20, 2014 at 2:14am
- Here's something even more demoralising which I just calculated:
8,895,754 EXP is the maximum EXP you can ever earn in Practice (and Lessons) since the 29 times answering correct per question limit was added! >_>
This means (if my calculations are actually correct) that it is near enough impossible to overthrow Medyrius off his rank 1 position on the site! My calculations are based on a fresh account answering every single question 29 times in one long massive combo without ever making a mistake. ;_;
This probably won't display very well or mean much to anyone else, but below is a copy of my calculations...
Vocabulary = 1753 [50837] [463623]
V1 = 171 (6 exp) [29 * 171 = 4959] [4959 * 6 = 29754]
V2 = 190 (7 exp) [29 * 190 = 5510] [5510 * 7 = 38570]
V3 = 189 (8 exp) [29 * 189 = 5481] [5481 * 8 = 43848]
V4 = 209 (9 exp) [29 * 209 = 6061] [6061 * 9 = 54549]
V5 = 696 (10 exp) [29 * 696 = 20184] [20184 * 10 = 201840]
V6 = 298 (11 exp) [29 * 298 = 8642] [8642 * 11 = 95062]
Kanji = 1456 [42224] [426271]
K1 = 111 (7 exp) [29 * 111 = 3219] [3219 * 7 = 22533]
K2 = 185 (8 exp) [29 * 185 = 5365] [5365 * 8 = 42920]
K3 = 189 (9 exp) [29 * 189 = 5481] [5481 * 9 = 49329]
K4 = 329 (10 exp) [29 * 329 = 9541] [9541 * 10 = 95410]
K5 = 253 (11 exp) [29 * 253 = 7337] [7337 * 11 = 80707]
K6 = 389 (12 exp) [29 * 389 = 11281] [11281 * 12 = 135372]
Total = 3209 [93061] [889894]
// EXP if every Practice question could be answered 29 times with x10 combo bonus:
889894 * 10 = 8898940
// 99 vocabulary level 1 questions (6 exp) with x10 combo bonus
99 * 6 * 10 = 5940
// 1~19 @ 6 exp (no combo bonus)
19 * 6 = 114
// 20~99 @ 6 exp (20~29 = x2 combo bonus, 30~39 = x3, ...)
// 99 - 19 = 80 (questions)
// 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 = 44
// 44 / 8 = 5.5 (average combo)
80 * 6 * 5.5 = 2640
// Reduction amount for the first 99 questions:
5940 - 114 - 2640 = 3186
// Maximum EXP possible to earn from Practice:
8898940 - 3186 = 8895754June 20, 2014 at 11:21am - Wow, I abandoned the idea a long time ago. In the former JCJP I wanted to raise my %, I wanted to know if we could get back our 100% with 200=1, because the site rounded up (is it the right word in English?) the percentage. 1/.005=200, for 99% you needed 66 good answers from one wrong: 1/.015=66. Now it's for 99% you need 100 good answers for 1: 1/.01= 100 and it's impossible to get your 100% back.
I think the points given at the notes practices when I joined or before I joined were much higher and allowed combos, unfortunately I wasn't paying attention to the points then so I can't confirm that.June 21, 2014 at 2:38am - I hadn't actually given up on reaching Medyrius' 10 million EXP. I had thought that with my tactical use of burning through level 1 whenever I lost my combo, that it might be still possible to reach that 10 million. Now that I know for certain that it was impossible from the start, I feel kinda demotivated...
I understand what you mean about the rounding up stuff in old JCJP. What you mention is interesting; I hadn't actually thought about whether it might now round up the percentage for correct:wrong answer ratio of each individual word. I sort of miss the old site's A+, A, B+, B, C,... rankings. ^^June 21, 2014 at 10:39am - Looks like you are correct about this new JCJP not rounding percentages to their nearest whole number. I just encountered the word I've answered the highest number of times: level 1 vocabulary 机, answered correctly 146 times and incorrectly 3 times (I think all 3 incorrect answers were by my hand slipping, as that is an extremely obvious kanji)...
146 * 100 / (146+3) = 97.9865771... Yet the percent it shows is 97%
So as you said, it looks like new JCJP rounds down these percentages. So 100% really is impossible once you've made one mistake. :/June 21, 2014 at 11:29am - Well it's not impossible to reach his level but it will take a lot of time and effort...unless we get new levels. I miss the old ranking too.June 22, 2014 at 1:11am
- Another website you might like for challenges is kanjiboxJune 22, 2014 at 2:39am
- Well, I can now probably only reach about 7 million EXP from Practice (and Lessons) on this account. Luckily I haven't done too many lessons as they are a big waste of the 29 answer limit--they don't make use of combo bonus but still count towards that limit. :P
The only other places to earn EXP are: Readings (7 EXP per question), Notes (1 EXP per question), and Hiragana/Katakana lessons (1 EXP per question). None of these use combo bonus. :(
All three of those options also count how many times you've answered each question, so I wonder if maybe the 29 limit applies to them too?! o.O
Readings quizzes cannot be retaken, but judging from their numbering there are nearly 300,000 of them... At 7 EXP per question, you would need to answer ~430,000 questions to earn 3 million EXP. If the 29 answer limit affects Readings, then you will need to find at least 14,750 unique vocabulary words (and answer each one of them 29 times)...
If the 29 answer limit affects Notes, then there are not enough Notes to cover even 1 million EXP at 1 EXP per question. Hiragana and Katakana lessons probably have 131 questions each (262 combined), so 262 * 29 = 7598 EXP...
So I think 'it will take a lot of time and effort... unless we get new levels' is a bit of an understatement! :DJune 22, 2014 at 12:10pm - Kanjibox is very cool and is similar to JCJP Practice. I like how it focuses on JLPT levels and some of the other aspects of the site. It doesn't seem to have the community interaction that JCJP has though, which is probably why I haven't used it that much. I think I remember hearing about that site from you before, and I already seem to have an account there.
I've actually restarted playing Slime Forest Adventure.
Its a basic role-play adventure game which teaches ~2000 'Common Use Kanji' (probably the pre-2010 Jouyou kanji list). It does it in a very clever way with interesting descriptions of each kanji. Hopefully I'll manage to complete the whole story this time. It also has sub-games for practicing verb conjugation, grammar patterns, and even kana keyboard layout touch-typing (how I ended up switching to kana keyboard layout...) ^^June 22, 2014 at 12:54pm - I never got to playing Slime Forest. Okay, time to try it out.June 22, 2014 at 1:14pm
- Too bad, I did plenty of lessons, I'm lucky to have reached 5 million. There is also a limit of 29 times on reading quizzes and notes, I have already reached it for some words. As you may know, the more you are doing the reading quizzes the less new vocabularies you get.
What I like about kanjibox are the quizzes that get harder depending on your skills and speed. It seems you can challenge friends on Facebook...but I don't have any :p Anyway, I'm trying to beat my own score. I may have talked about it already along with Drill the kanji and another one I forget the name, much harder, no choice of answers, you have to fill the blank.
I tried Slime Forest (on one of my dead computers) but I didn't get further than kanas and it was always the same. Now I'm borrowing a computer so I can't install anything or use a Japanese keyboard :'(
I should read more, it's how I remember the kanji the most.June 22, 2014 at 5:13pm - Just wanted to add a correction to something I stated earlier... I meant to say there are probably 107 questions in each of the kana lessons (not 131, which is definitely wrong). I had come up with the figure in my head quickly and made a stupid mistake:
46 modern usage 五十音 kana + the 25 濁音 kana (5 of which are 半濁音) = 71 直音 kana. Up to this point I hadn't made a mistake.
Next I needed to add the number of 拗音... So I worked out that there would be 12 columns for a table of 拗音 (k g s z t d n h b p m r), however I accidentally multiplied this by 5 rows! It slipped my mind that there're actually only 3 rows (as there is no +yi or +ye)... Oops! >_>
This is wrong: 131 (46 + 25 + 60)
This is correct: 107 (46 + 25 + 36)
So therefore, the total amount of EXP which could be earned from the hiragana and katakana lessons = 6206 EXP (2 * 107 * 29), which is even less than I had stated! :PJune 25, 2014 at 1:41pm