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Just encountered this 開花日. The site says its Blossoming Day. Does it literally mean the day when… - Feed Post by Pepperisk

Just encountered this 開花日. The site says its Blossoming Day. Does it literally mean the day when flowers blossom? Anyone with suggestions/context behind this?
posted by Pepperisk

Comments 3

  • Kimbo
    There are a lot of flowering words in Japanese one would think are unnecessary, but the sakurako blossom makes them relevant. I believe this means "The first day from which flowers (usually, sakura) are blooming. "輪以上の花が開いた状態となった最初の日をいいます"

    満開日 = the day in which flowers (usually sakura) are considered in full bloom (80%+ of flowers in bud).


    They also have a word for the "Sakura line" which is the line up to where the sakura are flowering, but i've forgotten what word it was.

    (The Japanese quotes were from a Japanese website, I can't fully understand but they seem to agree)
  • Kimbo
  • Pepperisk
    ahh ok thanks. Thought it'd be something like that


