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Hey. :) The site went down for a couple of hours ago, right? It happened at the exact… - Feed Post from mog86uk to beeant

Hey. :)
The site went down for a couple of hours ago, right? It happened at the exact moment I had finished a Readings quiz. This is also has happened for me before (the site going down at the exact moment of completing a Readings quiz) so I'm just wondering if this is definitely a coincidence?

Also, when answering the final question in every Readings quiz, the results page never appears (it has always just shown an error message instead). This error makes the site going down at that same time seem like even less of a coincidence... :S
posted by mog86uk

Comments 10

  • beeant
    hello mog86uk long time no talk :) thank you for your report.

    I just did one reading quiz, and it doesnt make any error for me.
    can you try do it again? I will check your data on reading quiz.
    can you tell me the reading id if possible?
  • mog86uk
    But I'm fairly sure it happens for me every time I complete any Reading quiz -- message comes up asking to refresh the page.

    I had a feeling the Readings results page didn't work in the past, then at some point it was fixed? But because it didn't work when I tried today, I thought maybe it was always like this and never fixed. If the results page shows fine for you, I guess it was just bad luck for me this time, so I'll try doing another Readings quiz. :)
  • mog86uk
    I did second readings quiz (#307781) a few minutes before the site went down 2 hours ago. Again, every question loaded almost instantly until after answering the final question, when it said "loading question" for 60 seconds then the error message appeared, as you can see in my screenshot in this post:

    When the site came back up again, I did a third readings quiz (#307798) . Same thing happened again, and this time the site went down immediately afterwards. Glad the site is back up again after only a few minutes.

    Surely this isn't causing the site to crash? but it definitely appears like it is doing that somehow. I've done every quiz on Chrome (version 38) so far. I guess I could try one more time on a different browser, but I don't want to do these quizzes if the site is going to go down for everyone each time I do it... ; ;
  • mog86uk
    Maybe the problem only occurs if you get 100% correct on the quiz? I notice your scores were lower than 100%, but in all 3 of the quizzes I did tonight I answered 100% correct.

    I don't really want to get lower than 100% correct on purpose just to test this. I didn't find any of the questions difficult so far, so I would have to intentionally pick the wrong answer. :-/

    I'll try one more time, but on Firefox, to see if 100% causes the error on this browser. And maybe in the process I'll get an answer wrong anyway. ^^
  • mog86uk
    Well, just did Reading #307768 on Firefox instead and easily got 100%. Still received the same error message on the last question (after it said "loading question" for 60 seconds). But at least it looks like the site has stayed up this time. :P

    Using http://www.isitdownrightnow.com, I kept checking whether the site was definitely up: before I started the quiz, before answering the final question, and repeatedly after the receiving the error message.

    I guess it must just be a crazy coincidence that the site has gone down 3 times for me in the past, at the exact same moment I completed a Readings quiz? Should be safe to go back and do quizzes on Chrome I guess. :)
  • mog86uk
    Confirmed: The error happens every time you score 100% correct on the quiz.

    In the 6th and 7th comments on that feed post, I checked whether the site was online repeatedly before and after answering the final question.

    When I got 100% correct, the site was online before clicking the final answer, and when the error message popped up 60 seconds later the site suddenly was down at that exact same time! (and stayed down until I went to bed)...

    Seems far too unlikely to just be a coincidence now (this is at least 4 times it has happened). I was interested in starting to use the Readings feature, but it doesn't seem a good idea until it is confirmed that this error is fixed. ^^;
  • washoku
    @mog86uk This website seems to stop responding at least once a week nowadays. I use the Practice and Readings pages, and even if I make mistakes on both pages, the same error message appears.
  • mog86uk
    The issue I'm focussing on now is very specific: All Readings quizzes cannot load their results page if the user answered every question correctly.

    This isn't something which happens occasionally. This is something which always happens every single time you get a perfect score on a Reading quiz. And this particular bug seems very likely to be one of the causes of the whole site going down completely.

    I understand what you mean about the error message also popping up on indivual questions in Practice, Readings, etc., where you simply click refresh and it's fine again. When that happens seems random and not related to your own actions. A those times the site is maybe struggling with a different user encountering a bug like the one I've mentioned. So that's probably a result of the problem, not a cause of instability. ^^
  • mog86uk

    8 hours ago, I did another Reading quiz, and got every question correct...

    The error message popped up shortly after answering the final question. I clicked the "refresh" button on the message. Almost exactly 60 seconds after I'd answered the final question, www.isitdownrightnow.com switched from saying the "site is up" to saying "site is down"!

    JCJP was online for at least 7 hours straight with no issues, until the moment I complete a Reading quiz. JCJP was still down when I went to bed a few minutes later.

    Reading quizzes are definitely crashing the site. Shouldn't they at least be disabled until this is fixed? ^^;
  • mog86uk
    Hey beeant. I've found the exact circumstances which cause the website to crash. This definitely crashes the site and it doesn't only happen occasionally -- it crashes the site evey single time someone does it.

    I don't really want to post a guide on how to crash the site in these feeds... I've posted a proper bug report on Trello. ^^


