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This picture was attached to my previous post an hour ago, but the site went down at the same… - Feed Post by mog86uk

This picture was attached to my previous post an hour ago, but the site went down at the same moment it was being posted. The message still got sent, however the image didn't seem to make it. >_>
posted by mog86uk

Comments 3

  • mog86uk
    It's possible I clicked "Post" a second too early, as the image upload progress bar was at 100% (completely blue) but had not faded away before I clicked "Post". This could potentially be another issue?
  • MintyHippo
    ahahaha, yeah when you lost that combo I flinched irl. It was like 1.3k or something crazy like that.
  • mog86uk
    I was on 1000 combo the day previous day, then I answered about 200 questions in something like 20 minutes.

    I'm usually fairly careful up to 1000 combo, then after 1000 I often switch to seeing how quickly I can answer questions. I like my max combo number and don't really want to go lose it by going higher... Kind of silly, I know, but this is my way of ensuring this never happens (and questions like this one help too)! :D


