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Hey beeant. The chat feature seems to be having problems at the moment. Old messages aren't… - Feed Post from mog86uk to beeant

Hey beeant. The chat feature seems to be having problems at the moment. Old messages aren't showing and new messages seem to have trouble being sent.
posted by mog86uk

Comments 4

  • kekkou
    @beeant The issue also affects the JCJP mobile web browser version.
  • mog86uk
    Chat still seems to be the same problems it was having yesterday. The same error still appears in the browser console:

    "Uncaught Reference Error: userData is not defined"
  • mog86uk
    beeeeeaaaant~ Just wondering whether this Chat problem is not fixable? It seems a shame that it is broken now, because Chat was starting to be used a lot more in recent weeks. By the time this is fixed, people will have forgotten that Chat exists again...

    Most of the time it doesn't let me even send a message. I refreshed the page around 10 times today trying to send new messages. I assume other people are in the same situation too. Only occassionally do messages actually send now.

    The Chat page currently only shows posts back to message id #3995. However, looking in Chrome developer tools I can see further back to message id #3968, so older messages obviously haven't vanished completely...

    Looking at the the two message sent immediately before Chat broke, I notice that they both have no user id... "uid: null". These Chat messages were both written by me.

    Here's the one immediately before it broke, as viewed in developer tools. Notice the "uid: null" part:

    {"id":3994,"uid":null,"message":"I've already learned hiragana ","ctime":"2015-02-01T20:54:41.000Z","mtime":null,"channel":null,"timeSet":{"fromNow":"6 days ago","unixtime":1422824081,"format":"2015-02-02 05:54:41","html":"<span class=\"info_data_no_italic post-timestamp\" data-unixtime=\"1422824081\" title=\"2015-02-02 05:54:41\">6 days ago</span>"}}

    Sorry for posting all this. Just would like to see Chat fixed quickly. ^^
  • mog86uk
    Hmm. Looking back at those Chat messages which are no showing, I'm not 100% sure it was me (uid:29909) who wrote those two uid=null messages.

    I thought I remembered seeing more messages from the other user when I was using Chat at the time, but I can't find their messages using developer tools. It seems like some messages are completely missing, but there are no missing message ID numbers in the list.

    Any sign on Chat getting fixed? Wouldn't simply changing those two uid:null to uid:29909 fix the problem? ^^


