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Someone please dumb down onyomi and kunyomi please? - Feed Post by synasia

Someone please dumb down onyomi and kunyomi please?
posted by synasia

Comments 4

  • GramMKII
    according to the book minna no nihonggo, Kun yomi (japanese reading) is usually used when a single kanji is used as a word. On yomi (chinese reading) is used when a kanji is used together with another kanji to form a word.

    車 くるま  (kun yomi)
    電車 でん・しゃ (on yomi) 
  • synasia
    Thanks, I get it now! ^_^
  • DeadWitness
    Same book that was used in my class. Just note that what Gram said is MOSTLY correct but there are many many exceptions to those rules.
  • Arachkid
    Yeah, don't get too hung up on kun yomi and on yomi. Try your best, but with exposure you'll have a better idea than you could teach yourself otherwise.


