Somehow your username stuck in my head. I recognised it instantly.
I know how you feel. Although I can look back to a year ago and there actually was a lot I learnt this year. I started properly doing Slime Forest Adventure last summer to learn to recognise all 1,945 joyo list kanji (pre-2010 list). My ability to read Japanese has shot up from completing that. And I tied it in with using JCJP Practice regularly, which was very effective. I need to get back to doing more SFA, to learn more of the readings of those kanji, but I can distinguish kanji and their general meanings really well.
But on the other hand, I feel like I've forgotten a lot of grammar stuff I was learning in the past, because I kind of neglected it this whole year. I still struggle to write my own sentences. On the whole, I feel like I've not really progressed as much as I should have. However, I have a fairly lazy attitude towards learning Japanese--I don't really mind how long it takes.
I know what you mean about this site too. I've pretty much reached the absolute limit of what I can gain from using Practice. And I have issues with the other features preventing me from wanting to use them.
So I've resorted to making a userscript mod to extend the usefulness of the Practice feature, where the answer choices are hidden and you have to type out the answer!
The mod is working really well for me and is causing me to learn things I overlooked when clicking multipe choice answers. I'll be much more certain that I've learnt everything properly if I've managed to type all the answers completely from memory. I probably would have stopped using this site completely by now due to the lack of new material if I hadn't made this. I can email the mod to you too if you'd like to try it?
Good luck to you this year with your studies. Hope we both are much closer to fluency this time next year, and that we will look back and feel we've improved a lot more than we ever imagined. ^^
April 25, 2015 at 1:10pm