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For most of the time I've been on this site, I've always had "Show Kana" turned off. Now that I'm… - Feed Post by mog86uk

For most of the time I've been on this site, I've always had "Show Kana" turned off. Now that I'm typing the answers instead of clicking them, it's interesting finding out how many words are pronounced differently to how I'd assumed they were before.

Like I always thought "request" お願い事 was pronounced おねがいじ for some unknown reason, even though that wouldn't really make any sense. I only found out just now on the 43rd time I've encountered that question that it's actually おねがいこと, since I was forced to type it this time! xD
posted by mog86uk

Comments 5

  • Xiffy
    I never actually knew づ and ぢ were pronounced zu and ji D: until like yesterday. (Unless they're the first syllable of a word/set of kanji then it's probably pronounced differently I THINK)
  • liraman
    how do you type in practice?, i meanm click select is OK but i prefer typing
  • arjey100
    isn't it おねがいごと though
  • mog86uk
    @liraman, Sorry, answer typing is just a personal userscript mod I've made for Practice. I have actually been meaning to share it on here, just that I've been a bit lazy and haven't gotten around to it yet...

    @arjey100, Oh wow, lol. Yeah, it is listed only as おねいがいごと both in dictionaries and on that JCJP question.

    I think I meant to write ~ごと, but it's completely possible I actually mistakenly thought it was ~こと... Still had not learnt it!

    My mod lets you type the answer either as the kanji or as the reading in hiragana. Since IME's allow you to type incorrect readings, I might have answered the question as おねがいこと but converted it to kanji before submitting it...

    One of the draw backs to kana layout input mode is that I have to add dakuten manually, so there's also a good chance I just didn't hit the ゛ key hard enough when I wrote my post. I can't remember now. ^^;
  • liraman
    thanks for your answer, it sounds like youre good with programing coming up with a script like that =) (Im a Software Engineer but those kind of scripts elude me, im sure its difficult to create due its simplicity) , if you ever want to share it , please let us know. Regards


