Keep doing Practice until you have no items remaining in your oblivion list, every day.
I remember, back on the old layout of this site, Beeant wrote something along the lines of: level 1 users should aim to answer 20 Practice questions every day, level 2 should aim for 40 questions, level 3 should try to answer 60 questions, etc... I don't remember his exact wording or the actual numbers, but it was similar to that.
That said, just making sure your oblivion is empty each day through using Practice is pretty much the same as doing that. As you answer more new questions you will have a greater number of questions which can end up in oblivion status after 30 days. If you have answered all the questions there are in Practice (3,209 question), then you'll need to do around 200 Practice questions each day to keep your oblivion empty! It's a nice little chunk of vocabulary and kanji permanently stuck in your head after several months of doing this. ^^
June 12, 2015 at 8:30am