There is a new app to help prepare people for the Kanji Keitei out - link is as follows - Feed Post by Arachkid
There is a new app to help prepare people for the Kanji Keitei out - link is as follows
Seems taking an actual test is behind a pay wall, but the stuff you have access to for free is great, even if you decide not to go that way (I haven't, but may if I actually decide to take the test next time around - one week out is a bit much for anything other than 8級 or something... stroke order, similar sounding kanji, all available - definitely take a look!
Seems taking an actual test is behind a pay wall, but the stuff you have access to for free is great, even if you decide not to go that way (I haven't, but may if I actually decide to take the test next time around - one week out is a bit much for anything other than 8級 or something... stroke order, similar sounding kanji, all available - definitely take a look!
posted by Arachkid