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So during one of my English classes today (I am an ALT, Assistant Language Teacher) at JHS, during… - Feed Post by Arachkid

So during one of my English classes today (I am an ALT, Assistant Language Teacher) at JHS, during question period, one of the students asks me if I know what "kabedon" is. I tell her I have no clue, and then the teacher says that the student needs to show me, at which point the whole class starts to chatter with excitement. She then moves up to me, leans in close, presses her hand to the wall above my shoulder with a loud thump, and shouts "I love you!". And the class breaks into laughter for 5 minutes. Just another Thursday? "Kabe" is wall, and "don" is the sound of the hand hitting the wall...
posted by Arachkid

Comments 7

  • shirokitsune
    Ya I also had a similar experience teaching at my middle school. But instead of yelling "I love you!" my student just yelled "Kabedon."
  • Arachkid
    There are worse things that can happen, it's just funny. I had a graduating high school student grab my... unmentionables. When I told the main head English teacher to get ahead of that before something blew up and got me fired, he said "oh, she'd been looking to do that all year and was worried she wouldn't get a chance. Erm... thanks for warning me.
  • shirokitsune
    My students don't go that far but they like to try and teach me different uncomfortable words and see how I react... Yesterday was お姉 in the sense of a male who cross dresses or presents himself to be female...
  • Arachkid
    The first day I wore a business shirt to a high school (I had not worn one in... well, forever, thanks casual dress workplaces) I forgot an undershirt. ちくび means nipple. :P SHS students are much more forward about everything, while the lower level schools, even in senior high, are not immune from kancho attempts.
  • shirokitsune
    ya you always got to keep an eye out behind you
  • mog86uk
    Haha. Makes me think crazy depictions of Japanese schools in animes might not be too removed from reality after all. Also, I'm starting to get the image in my head that Arachkid = Great Teacher Onizuka! :D
    I will use it!


