@kaylejoy, I think I can read kanji really well; I don't struggle much at all with it at this point. I also have learnt a large amount of vocabulary through the various learning resources I've used, especially JCJP's vocabulary. So I'm good at reading for these aspects of the language.
However, because I've not spent much time practicing to make my own sentences, nor learning to have conversations, nor studying grammar regularly, I still can't read sentences completely fluently.
But I more-or-less have nothing to worry about with reading now. My skill with the other aspects of the language are lagging a very long way behind if compared to my reading ability. I should really be focussing now on going back over grammar as a proper structured study regime; and also on sentence composition, conversational Japanese, and making a start on practicing to speak Japanese.
All these skills I haven't focussed as much on actually seem to have an effect on reading ability, which I never really thought about until fairly recently. Such as, if you never make your own sentences, then it is harder to understand an author's thought process when reading their sentences.
March 8, 2016 at 3:52am