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I just came across this kanji, 驢, which is the kanji for "donkey". Now the Japanese word for… - Feed Post by mog86uk

I just came across this kanji, 驢, which is the kanji for "donkey". Now the Japanese word for donkey is 驢馬 (ろば), which contains that kanji except that this word is usually written only in hiragana (驢 isn't a jōyō kanji). The word uses the ON-readings from each of those kanji:

驢 (ろ) "donkey" + 馬 (ば) "horse"

Anyway, none of that is the reason I'm posting. I'm posting about this donkey kanji because of the KUN-reading I saw for it... which is "うさぎうま" !

うさぎ = rabbit (兎)
うま = horse (馬)
うさぎうま = rabbit-horse = donkey (驢)

Haha. I just found this really funny for some reason and felt like sharing it. :D
posted by mog86uk

Comments 6

  • mog86uk
    Oh! Apparently it's because donkeys have long rabbit-like ears. I couldn't see how donkeys could in any way be like rabbits, as donkeys aren't exactly the most hyperactive easily-startled animals... But now it all makes perfect sense. :P

    Keep thinking about the bit in the Great Teacher Onizuka anime, where he hears that one of his students had previously suffered from because of a "trauma", except he hears only "to-ra-u-ma" as he doesn't seem to know that English word...

    (とら = tiger, 虎) ^^
  • Mika93
    LOL..Now I know too ^_^. Btw, what app you used to type in kanji?
  • BagaLing
    @mika for PC, u can just set it at the control panel > language
    as for mobile, I'm using "ArtIME Japanese Input"
  • BagaLing
    うさぎうま it's pretty funny XDDD
  • Mika93
  • mog86uk
    @Mika, On my Windows 10 PC I use "Google Japanese Input":

    On my Android phone I use "Xperia Japanese keyboard", but I think this is only available on Sony Xperia phones.


