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How do you remember vocabulary like あれ・あの I can''t really tell the difference that and これ・この - Feed Post by almost

How do you remember vocabulary like あれ・あの I can''t really tell the difference that and これ・この
posted by almost

Comments 5

  • arbalasquide
    "kore" and are act as "nouns" where as "kono" and "ano" need a noun next to them.
    これはなんですか? (What is this?)
    この猫はかわいいです。(This cat is cute).
  • almost
  • ShardZ
    Keeping は/が particle usage straight is so annoying, I still mess it up all the time. lol
  • arbalasquide
    Oh yeah thanks for the correction. がandは are pretty annoying particles. They seem so basic but are actually really complex.
  • almost
    You got it right ShardZ it's supposed to be an identifier particle or recognizer particle


