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all the kanji you need to know - Feed Post by katsuro90

all the kanji you need to know
posted by katsuro90

Comments 4

  • almost
    Really hard to remember though
  • katsuro90
    oh sorry
  • mog86uk
    2545 kanji? Not enough! At least not if you want to eat 餃子 (gyoza) when in Japan, since 餃 isn't in the list. :P

    Here are a few of the 40 kanji that I can't find in those lists, but are used in the questions in the lessons on here—the first 6 of these kanji are even jōyō kanji:

    顎 "chin" (あご)
    詣 "visit a temple" {初詣 = はつもうで}
    拶 "draw close" {挨拶 = あいさつ "greetings"}
    痩 "get thin" {痩せる = やせる}
    曖 "dark, not clear"
    昧 "dark, foolish" {曖昧 = あいまい "vague, ambiguous"}

    兎 "rabbit, hare" (うさぎ)
    蛙 "frog" (かえる)
    鮪 "tuna" (まぐろ)
    蕎 "buckwheat" (そば)
    苺 "strawberry" (いちご)
    鞄 "bag, satchel, briefcase" (かばん)
    鋏 "scissors" (はさみ)
    鹸 "saltiness" {石鹸 = せっけん "soap"}
    錆 "rust" (さび)
    咳 "cough" (せき)
    聳 "rise" {聳える = そびえる}
    繋 "tie, fasten, connect" {繋ぐ = つなぐ}
    爺 "old man" {お爺さん = おじいさん "grandfather"}
    迚 "very" (とても)
    殆 "almost, quite" {殆ど = ほとんど}

    So unless I just didn't look hard enough, it's not quite all the kanji you need to know. I have used some of those quizzes before though. It's a pretty useful site and the timer on the quizzes is fun. ^^
  • flowerkris
    Thanks very much for sharing! It's nice to have a list of kanji. As of now, I'm learning kanji from a multitude of websites, and it gets a little frustrating. ありがとうございます!


