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Beeant-sama! Please save us from the spam! - Feed Post by FelliVox

Beeant-sama! Please save us from the spam!
posted by FelliVox

Comments 19

  • mog86uk
    ↑I still prefer this one. :P
  • FelliVox
    Oh, those are really popular in Okinawa. I was kinda making a joke about how much spam we've been having lately in the feeds.
  • mog86uk
    Yeah, same context behind my old post too, sadly.
  • FelliVox
    Hey Beeant-sama, are you on holiday? If that's the case, it can't be helped. But the spam problem needs your attention as soon as you are free.
  • FelliVox
    I'm gonna keep bumping this to the top every time someone posts spam in the feeds. I guess at least it's in Japanese now, but it's still useless advertisements that are out of place in here.

    Funnily enough, that last double spam post is by a more than a year old account. Probably posted spam originally and was deleted, since there is nothing else in shikahanbai's feed.
  • FelliVox
    On a side note, has anyone ever eaten spam? What's it like?
  • dablackfox
    Well you need to cut it thin or it will be too thick for your sandwich, otherwise just taste like spiced ham in a can. low quality ham.
  • FelliVox
    Sounds like some high quality bachelor food.
  • dablackfox
    hmm, I wouldn't eat it unless i had to. it would keep for a long time though. Maybe during the zombie apocalypse.
  • bbeadle1
    still prefer beans...just saying.
  • FelliVox
    Please, don't comment on old spam posts. Bringing them our death wishes is fine when they've just been posted and are still at the top, but it only gives them more visibility if you comment on them when they've been pushed down already.
  • mog86uk
    I actually like Spam. In sandwiches Spam is much tastier than normal ham slices. I used to eat Spam sandwiches regularly. Do they not have Spam in Spain?


    ↑Check out the "varieties" and especially the "recipies" pages on the Spam homepage. Crazy stuff like "Spam Ramen Burger", "Teriyaki Katsu Spam Musubi", "Hello Kitty Spam Musubi"!... and best looking of all "Breakfast Spam Musubi". :D
  • FelliVox
    I've never seen this brand of Spam. It appears that it's not sold in Spain indeed. http://www.spam.com/sites I did however try something similar, a block of pork in a can. Tasted better than the sliced stuff for sure, and it even had a meat-like fibre texture, as supposed to processed meat.
  • FelliVox
    So, has anyone heard from beeant lately? His profile shows "Japan" now, so assuming he was on vacation, I guess he's back now?
  • beeant
    Yes, I'm back in Tokyo now! :)
  • FelliVox
    Beeant, we have new spammers that need to be taken care of again.
  • beeant
    taken care of! thank you for your concern and sorry for the spam....
  • FelliVox
    Well, it's not really your fault. It's just human nature to try to ruin good things for personal profit and pleasure. I just hope you find the time to implement some feature to deal with spam that let's you delegate the task of removing spam.
  • FelliVox
    New spammers are popping up. Somehow it almost feels like it's the same set of people coming to spam in waves...


