Google Translations
In the Kanji Chapter 15 test, there are quite a few kanji compounds where the "Google Translation" is either misleading or just plain wrong. The only reason why I noticed these, was because I was looking for an English translation that would help me choose the correct answer (which I haven't had to do before), and instead got these confusing translations.<br><br>Combination Answer Google Translation Examples/Combination<br>東京都 ときょうと Tokyo Tokyo Metropolis<br>都内 とない Tokyo within Tokyo<br>千葉県 ちばけん Chiba Chiba Prefecture<br>新宿区 しんじゅくく Shinjuku Shinjuku ward<br>渋谷区 しぶやく Shibuya Shibuya ward<br>様 さま Solo [honorific suffix] Mr., Mrs., Ms.<br>思います おもいます I think that<br><br>For those of us who have seen the words before, we know to just ignore the translation. But, for some who are seeing these words for the first time, it will only cause confusion (and I'm willing to bet there are more out there, in other chapters).<br><br>Why aren't the meanings given under "Examples/Combination" used?<br>
posted by jakkii