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Keeping the English Alphabet for vocabulary after level 1

After I achieved level 2, the words no longer had their English spellings associated with them. Dropping myself down to level 1 with wrong answers restored them. I find them really useful and would like to keep them. Is there a way?

Additionally, is there a way to search the forum for useful threads? Didn't see anything at first glance.
posted by LJPfast101

Comments 6

  • Solaris
    I'm not sure if this answer your question but you can click on little gray play icon to listen to the sound. I use it a lot.
  • LJPfast101
    I also use it a lot. However, sometimes it is unclear what exactly is being said (if it isn't completely wrong). Having it spelled out for me helps me see what is being said (or should be said). I could always translate the Hiragana, but I haven't learned it yet, so translating would be tedious.
  • tomrobinson
    The English spelling (or romanji) is actually a big handicap later on, you're better off doing your best to read via Hiragana and Katakana.
  • LJPfast101
    I realize that I will eventually need to learn to read Hiragan and everything, but I'm really bad at it. I was looking to just put it off for now, doing it gradually rather than forcing it all at once, which is what would happen if I get 5 more points. I'm starting with no knowledge and no interaction with anyone who knows the language. The vocabulary is daunting enough for me for now. I'm assuming the site doesn't have the option I'm looking for, but if anyone happens to know how to keep the romanji visible, I'd be appreciative. Thank you for your responses.
  • beeant
    After level one, the Romaji spellings are removed. You are expected to be comfortable with hiragana and katakana by level 2. They're important! I think translating the hiragana and katakana is a good way to get used to them.
  • tomrobinson
    I can really only recommend that you don't even bother with vocab or kanji until you are semi-comfortable with the kana. Maybe download Memrise or Anki and just blast out the kana. You can get pretty good quickly with those methods.
