Cross cultural communication
Hi Everyone!
I know that my topic is not so related to the whole learning languages thing but it's really important to me. I am writing my B.A. Thesis and I need this survey to be complited by East Asians or Europeans. I thought about this place to post it because you are open and creative people who love learning new things, that is why I think you may also be interested in communication between two continents. If you have 2 minutes please complite this survey.
I know that my topic is not so related to the whole learning languages thing but it's really important to me. I am writing my B.A. Thesis and I need this survey to be complited by East Asians or Europeans. I thought about this place to post it because you are open and creative people who love learning new things, that is why I think you may also be interested in communication between two continents. If you have 2 minutes please complite this survey.
posted by Natalia