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Facebook kicks me off

First of all i want to thank you for the site. It has been the most helpful one i have used. i was having some trouble with the katakana, but the way the practice works the katakana in with the hiragana via process of elimination is so much better than flash cards. im actually learning. Sumimasen, to the point: i get this message everytime i return to the site after leaving it and viewing another one, or if i happen to have it up, and i come back say an hour later and refresh. i then have to clear my history and cookies and i relog in....

Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'FacebookRestClientException' with message 'Session key invalid or no longer valid' in /var/www/vhosts/japaneseclass.jp/httpdocs/system/application/libraries/facebook-client/facebookapi_php5_restlib.php:3065 Stack trace: #0 /var/www/vhosts/japaneseclass.jp/httpdocs/system/application/libraries/facebook-client/facebookapi_php5_restlib.php(1717): FacebookRestClient->call_method('facebook.users....', Array) #1 /var/www/vhosts/japaneseclass.jp/httpdocs/system/application/libraries/facebook_connect.php(115): FacebookRestClient->users_getInfo('100000039325301', Array) #2 /var/www/vhosts/japaneseclass.jp/httpdocs/system/application/libraries/facebook_connect.php(43): Facebook_connect->_manage_session() #3 /var/www/vhosts/japaneseclass.jp/httpdocs/system/libraries/Loader.php(928): Facebook_connect->Facebook_connect() #4 /var/www/vhosts/japaneseclass.jp/httpdocs/system/libraries/Loader.php(829): CI_Loader->_ci_init_class('facebook_connec...', '', NULL, NULL) #5 /var/www/vhosts/japaneseclass.jp/httpd in /var/www/vhosts/japaneseclass.jp/httpdocs/system/application/libraries/facebook-client/facebookapi_php5_restlib.php on line 3065

if you could fix this i would appreciate it, and im sorry if this has already been brought up in another thread....

ps i love LOVE the kana practice, could you possibly add the other characters? maybe make a separate practice menu for those characters? i have learned over half of the katakana in one day, and i had fun doing it. thank you SO much yet again. This method is so much better than flash cards!!! XD
posted by Lynn

Comments 7

  • beeant
    Hello Lynn,

    First of all, I would like to say sorry for my late reply, I have been away from computer for a while.

    Thank you for your positive feedback. I am happy to hear that JCJP can be helpful for your Japanese Learning. =D

    Yes, this is a difficult problem to solve, I am currently working on it. This problem is due to your session on Facebook has expired but not in JCJP. I will try hard to fix it, but it may take some time =(

    The effective solution I know is by clearing all the sessions and cookies which you have already know.
    So I think it's fine to clear the session and cookies for now until the problem has been fixed.

    I am sorry for this problem =( I hope that you would understand

    For the kana practice, I got some feedback to make it better, so you should also thank the other users who gave me suggestions. =D

    What do you mean by add other characters and make separate practice menu?

    Thank You
  • Vilios
    She means Kanji I think.
  • Lynn
    the characters that have the little circles and the little quotation mark looking thingys(i dont know the technical term for them, like bi bu pi zu de do etc...) but i think if you add them in the same practice as the other characters it might be a little too much when some ppl are just starting to get familiar with the characters... so if you could add some practice for just those characters, that way ppl can learn at there own pace....and if you could make the practice a little bigger that would be great especially with the kanji (even though i know they are a good size in the kanji practice) but then again it could that i need glasses...
  • Lynn
    you could have "extended hiragana" and "extended katakana" practice, and maybe an option to have all the character available, that way ppl first starting out dont feel overwelmed with having to remember the symbols for ho bo and po as they are simmilar, but ppl that have learned those character can go to the full practice menu....
  • beeant
    extended hiragana/katakana practice could be a good idea, but I think its better to add them into one practice, because if you think of the long journey of learning Japanese, learning hiragana/katakana is just a small step of it, isn't it? So, I think that learning hiragana/katakana should be as simple as possible to make it looks easy (not complicated).

    Ya I forgot to add the hiragana/katakana table for pa pi pu pe po, ba bi bu be bo, ga gi gu ge go.

    I will add them to my to do list.

    Thank You,
  • Lynn
    and dont forget za ji zu ze zo thank you beeant again for the site :D
  • beeant
    Ok, of course I will include them =D

    Anyway, get back to the problem, it seems like the Facebook problem has been fixed.

    Check out the new blog post,
