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This blasted spam problem.

I am aware my main complaint pertaining to this site was that I wanted my account gone, and it appears I am not alone https://i.imgur.com/ixYE5ob.png , but that is beside the point and one of only two problems I have with this site, the second being the spam problem.

Don't believe me? When is the last time you checked the social feeds of the site...and saw anything other than: Some user offering cracked license keys for a product that is, you guessed it, sold and distributed, thereby requiring license keys for the purpose https://i.imgur.com/j7ja0q0.png https://i.imgur.com/mDNGldS.png , most recently, these maybe drugs that I am not about to research https://i.imgur.com/mPqGcof.png , or most frequently, these two users in particular posting the same generic infographic junk every week? https://i.imgur.com/AhCpPdp.png https://i.imgur.com/mjfKNTR.png

I do not advise anyone on this earth to touch the links depicted in the screenshots for any purpose whatsoever. Back on point, these users, maybe bots for all I know, have been flooding the social feed wall for what could be years at this point, nonstop and unpunished because, if I had to guess, the owner of the site is distracted with other things.

I'm pretty sure this post of mine is going to get buried by tomorrow, but I still find myself at need to say this here before trying my luck with the Discord server for a handful of personal reasons: Beeant, take the time to vet a few people who frequent this site enough to trust them as moderators, specifically for the purpose of keeping the social feed clean of any garbage the likes of what I've screenshot. Find a way to enable these people to access the social feed wall on the inside like you can and give them the specific ability to remove the junk in question and maybe even delete the accounts associated with it in question. Again, I am fully aware this might get buried in days' time, but the whole point of saying this, right out in the open, is to maybe bring this problem to the front of the line, the top of your list of priorities, such that you'd at least consider doing as I've suggested so you can move on with your life. Know that I am not doing this to be mean, just that I am out of ideas and, as little as I want to do with this site at this point, care just enough to not want to see it go down with such history on it's shoulders.

Summary: Beeant, please give the spam problem a once over, and please employ moderators made of users who visit and use the site the most, as originally intended, to solve the spam problem and keep it in line. Have this entire vast Imgur album as a brief reference of what recent I've seen constantly being posted on the wall. https://imgur.com/a/kTe5l5b

For all I know, this might not really matter, or maybe it would, but again, you are a busy person. I do not mean to say it like this, but I can't possibly be the only person concerned with the constant flood of junk on the social wall, now can I?
posted by Darknaviexe

Comments 4

  • beeant
    Hello Darknaviexe,
    I apologize for my absence from the site for a long time. Today, I thought about doing some cleanup and came across your message. I appreciate your concerns and the detailed feedback you've provided. I've just removed most of the spam from the social feeds.
    Thank you for bringing this to my attention.
  • Darknaviexe
    Thanks for removing the spam. I just personally believe you would have less strain to deal with if you had a team of mods to keep the place free of the spam in question.
  • beeant
    You're welcome! We actually have mods in our Discord, kekkou, and doing a great job keeping it clean from spam. As for the site, I need to first implement the delete post feature before we can have mods here. Would you be interested in being a mod too?
  • Darknaviexe
    If only to help you test out the feature, make sure everything works...and help get rid of some of the spam. The problem is, you'd, at that point, have to figure out how to *unmod* people.
    Sounds great, but I'll pass, I'm just not up for it.
