Random question order in test
Hi everyone,
First of all let me say that this site is awesome!
I'm in only from a couple of days but it seems very well done.
Seems that people usually post possible improvement in this
forum so i'm going to do the same ^_^
I think that having a random question order in test
could be a nice improvement so,if you do the test again
the next day for example,you choose the right word because
you remember what it means and not because you remember how
it was placed in the page.
What do you think about it?
First of all let me say that this site is awesome!
I'm in only from a couple of days but it seems very well done.
Seems that people usually post possible improvement in this
forum so i'm going to do the same ^_^
I think that having a random question order in test
could be a nice improvement so,if you do the test again
the next day for example,you choose the right word because
you remember what it means and not because you remember how
it was placed in the page.
What do you think about it?
posted by HipT