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bug report (wrong romaji)

やすい shows to have a reading of "yasashii" (line right before the last one pictured).
bug report (wrong romaji)
posted by romanrm

Comments 9

  • romanrm
    Hm, or nevermind, maybe I need to sleep at 3 AM and not post to forums.
  • romanrm
    ok, the point is, sometimes furigana displayed wrongly.
    e.g. #1 and #5 here
  • romanrm
    #1 and the last one here.
  • MarcusAseth
    ahem...I am new here,but personally I don't like the idea to start learn something wrong,cause when I put something in my mind it's very hard to change it...so my question was,this things are going to be fixed right? :\
  • muso
    Yeah, I've noticed this too. It seems a great site overall, but for the lack of sentence patterns, and actual native Japanese speakers to correct / oversee things like this. It also concerns me that it appears these inconsistencies (in Kanji readings) have been present in the site since at least July and are still present. I also hope my reservations are proved wrong...
  • kraemder
    I'm going to start reporting the mistakes here.
    一昨日 いっさくじつ day before yesterday ototoi
    My kanji is weak but I can read kana. The romaji and kana aren't even close to matching This is from chap 1 part 7 vocab
  • kraemder
    明後日みょうごにち day after tomorrow asatte
    The romaji is correct here I believe. The kana is way off. I don't know about the kanji.
  • kraemder
    今年 こんねん this year kotoshi
    I think the romaji is wrong here. Obviously one is wrong and the is right since they're different.
  • muso
    明後日, yes, that's correct. Also "kotoshi" is correct for this year. The furigana (kana) readings for the Kanji appear to be standard ones, and not the correct ones for the compound words. As far as I've seen, the romaji versions are correct. It's a real shame this has happened, and I hope it can be fixed.
