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Is my assumption correct?

So, in my progress page, shows how much vocabulary and kanji are available to learn. Those total numbers being 1753 and 1461, respectively.

Knowing that, this site only covers up to, what, maybe half of N3 of the JLPT? If that? N4 and N5 only? Hmm.
posted by PeIrNiOkY

Comments 4

  • Aniumixie
    I think it's N3,5. (・∀・ )
    By the way, when did you get to the Level 6? Your progress is very fast! Σ( ゚Д゚; )
  • PeIrNiOkY
    Thanks for your feedback...Hmm only part of N3. Guess I can't rely on this site for my vocabulary/kanji needs for the N3 test. I got Level 6 today, but it was my day off, so I think I spent 10 hours just trying to catch up to my current knowledge level. Think I just about made it, I'm seeing a bunch of vocabulary and kanji that I haven't yet memorized.
  • Aniumixie
    You can use "Notes" to learn more words. I remember seeing N2 and Core2000 lists, they may contain the vocabulary you need.
  • shairn
    If you're looking for JLPT flashcards, I suggest getting anki. There are decks for every level of JLPT and more.
