Why an "I do not know" option is absolutely crucial to this site.
First of all, I just recently joined this site. Therefore, if the suggestion I'm proposing already exists in one form or another, then I apologize in advance.
1) The problem: During practice and tests, an "I do not know" option does not exist.
2) Why this is a problem: To advance past a question, you must select one of four answers. Assuming you have absolutely no idea, you still have a 25% chance of selecting the correct answer. To add insult to injury, many questions exist wherein you come to know what the answer is via the process of elimination (3 of the 4 choices are clearly wrong). As a result, you label something as "correct" without really knowing the material to begin with.
Generally speaking, our goal here is TO LEARN. It does not do you any good in the long run if you pass a kanji/vocabulary that you do not honestly know or comprehend. This site has an amazing function that compiles and quizzes you on "weak kanji/vocabulary" that you may stumble upon. We need to be able to maximize this opportunity by being able to send k/v here directly.
3a) The pseudo-solution #1: You can purposely choose the wrong answer and this would send the term to the "weak kanji/vocabulary list". You're then aware of its existence and can proceed to work on it. However, this only works assuming you know a wrong answer exists. If you're utterly clueless between the four choices, this does not help you as you still have that aforementioned 25%.
3b) The pseudo-solution #2: Regardless of the outcome, write it down on a notebook. With this, you're able to take note of what you need to work on as well as practice writing. The only downside to this is that you do not get to fully utilize this website's "weak kanji/vocabulary list".
4) The actual solution: Implement an "I do not know" option during practice and tests.
1) The problem: During practice and tests, an "I do not know" option does not exist.
2) Why this is a problem: To advance past a question, you must select one of four answers. Assuming you have absolutely no idea, you still have a 25% chance of selecting the correct answer. To add insult to injury, many questions exist wherein you come to know what the answer is via the process of elimination (3 of the 4 choices are clearly wrong). As a result, you label something as "correct" without really knowing the material to begin with.
Generally speaking, our goal here is TO LEARN. It does not do you any good in the long run if you pass a kanji/vocabulary that you do not honestly know or comprehend. This site has an amazing function that compiles and quizzes you on "weak kanji/vocabulary" that you may stumble upon. We need to be able to maximize this opportunity by being able to send k/v here directly.
3a) The pseudo-solution #1: You can purposely choose the wrong answer and this would send the term to the "weak kanji/vocabulary list". You're then aware of its existence and can proceed to work on it. However, this only works assuming you know a wrong answer exists. If you're utterly clueless between the four choices, this does not help you as you still have that aforementioned 25%.
3b) The pseudo-solution #2: Regardless of the outcome, write it down on a notebook. With this, you're able to take note of what you need to work on as well as practice writing. The only downside to this is that you do not get to fully utilize this website's "weak kanji/vocabulary list".
4) The actual solution: Implement an "I do not know" option during practice and tests.
posted by trapruka