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Delete spam comments?

Hi! Does anyone know if there's a way to delete unwanted comments from your profile page comment box? Specifically, some user called Lonelymerian seems to be posting on many peoples' profiles, and it definitely seems like spam.

So at the very least, I'd like to be able to delete the comment from my profile, but also if possible report the user or something. Does anyone know if that's possible?

Sorry in advance if there's some really simple solution that I've overlooked! (・_・;)
posted by Peacherine

Comments 6

  • beeant
    I'm really sorry for the spams. :(
    and also sorry for the delete comment feature is not available yet.

    I will remove all the comments from that Lonelymerian
  • Peacherine
    Ahhh, you didn't need to do all that! すみません!でも、ありがとうございます! I didn't mean to bother you. I just hate spam messages!

    Thanks again! (=^・^=)
  • Medyrius
    Talking about spammers another one's taken over already, a certain waziru's been fooling around with comment boxes sinces yesterday ^^
  • aoi_haru
    True. I received two comments informing me that waziru replayed to you, Med-san, and also to Beeant-san. Annoying, isn't it?
  • LolaGiles
    That is one ay you can delete all of it quickly. It is the exactly the way I did it on https://www.essayontime.com/services/term-paper.html so that the whole thing works for me.
  • tonnyken
    sorry! https://templerun3.co/temple-run-20 Thanks for sharing the information it was very helpful for me
