The popular Klement's Racing Sausages begin their regular middle-of-the-sixth-inning race at Miller Park during the Brewers' game against the Chicago Cubs June 25, 2013. The Racing Sausages were celebrating their 20th year with the Brewers.
There’s A Sausage Dog Race Coming To Melbourne This Month
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June 22, 2013 - Milwaukee, Wisconsin, United States of America - June 22, 2013: Between innings the famous sausage race begins during the Major League Baseball game between the Milwaukee Brewers and the Atlanta Braves at Miller Park in Milwaukee, WI. Milwaukee Brewers defeated the Atlanta Braves 2-0. John Fisher/CSM.
Category:Klement's Racing Sausages
Sunday’s sausage race featured a child in a Polish sausage costume tumbling down dugout steps
Associated Bank offers Milwaukee Brewers fans the "Home Crew Advantage"