Ms 1126剣によるディドの自殺と吊るすことによるフィリスの自殺、ギヨーム・ド・ロリスとジャン・ド・メウンによるル・ロマン・デ・ラ・ローズから、1360-70年頃
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Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge (third right) poses with (L-R) Princess Alexandra of Luxembourg, Princess Stephanie of Luxembourg, Henri, Grand Duke of Luxembourg, Maria Teresa, Grand Duchess of Luxembourg and Prince Guillaume of Luxembourg during a visit to the Grand Ducal Palace on May 11, 2017 in Luxembourg. The Duchess is participating in the official commemoration of the 1867 Treaty of London and will attend a series of engagements to celebrate the cultural and historic ties between the UK The Duchess, Duchess Catherine, Duchess Of Cambridge, Princess Charlotte, Princess Kate, Prince And Princess, Princess Of Wales, Kate Middleton Look, Grand Duke
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Prince Sébastien of Luxembourg Nassau, Hope Chests, Royal Families Of Europe, Photos Of Prince, Casa Real, Grand Duke, Three Brothers, Royal House, Aristocracy
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Adele, Grand Duc, Maria Teresa, Princess Stephanie, European Royalty, Aristocracy, Duchess Kate, Wimbledon, Royal Fashion