Images of いつかのわたしへ


Biography生い立ち14歳でクラシックギターを始める。同志社女子高校在学中、GLC学生ギターコンクール入賞、山陰ギターコンクール入選。同志社大学英文学科卒業後、会社員生活を経て、リュートを始める。これまでにリュート、リュートソングを佐野健二氏、平井満美子氏、つのだたかし氏、PaulO'dette, Evangelina Mascardi氏らに学ぶ。ソロ、通奏低音、伴奏、民族楽器との共演や、録音への参加など、関西を中心にジャンルを問わず幅広く活動中。京都 月光堂音楽教室 ルネサンスリュート科講師。リュート演奏、リュートソングの指導やレクチャーなども行っている。日本リュート協会理事。ムーミンファン歴四半世紀超Tomoko Koide, she started to play the guitar at the age of fourteen.She won 2nd prize at G.L.C. Student Guitar Competition, was a finalist at San-in Guitar Competition.Soon after graduated Doshisha University she started to play the lute, andhas studied the lute & lute songs with Kenji Sano, Mamiko Hirai, TakashiTsunoda, Paul O'dette, and Evangelina Mascardi.Tomoko has played with many singers and various kinds of instrument playerslike viol, flute, frauto traverso, sitar and nyckellharpa, and has also taken part inrecording projects. Tomoko has given lectures concerning lute and lute songs.She has been interested in Moomin stories for a quater of a century....もどるCopyright (C) Tomoko Koide All rights reserved生い立ち14歳でクラシックギターを始める。同志社女子高校在学中、GLC学生ギターコンクール入賞、山陰ギターコンクール入選。同志社大学英文学科卒業後、会社員生活を経て、リュートを始める。これまでにリュート、リュートソングを佐野健二氏、平井満美子氏、つのだたかし氏、PaulO'dette, Evangelina Mascardi氏らに学ぶ。ソロ、通奏低音、伴奏、民族楽器との共演や、録音への参加など、関西を中心にジャンルを問わず幅広く活動中。京都 月光堂音楽教室 ルネサンスリュート科講師。リュート演奏、リュートソングの指導やレクチャーなども行っている。日本リュート協会理事。ムーミンファン歴四半世紀超Tomoko Koide, she started to play the guitar at the age of fourteen.She won 2nd prize at G.L.C. Student Guitar Competition, was a finalist at San-in Guitar Competition.Soon after graduated Doshisha University she started to play the lute, andhas studied the lute & lute songs with Kenji Sano, Mamiko Hirai, TakashiTsunoda, Paul O'dette, and Evangelina Mascardi.Tomoko has played with many singers and various kinds of instrument playerslike viol, flute, frauto traverso, sitar and nyckellharpa, and has also taken part inrecording projects. Tomoko has given lectures concerning lute and lute songs.She has been interested in Moomin stories for a quater of a century....もどるCopyright (C) Tomoko Koide All rights reserved