English Public
by Annick
Vocabulary List
- 外野がいやoutfieldnew35236
- 完封かんぷうcomplete blockade (seal); baseball shutoutnew35224
- 回戦かいせんmatch; gamenew35223
- 登板とうばんtaking the plate; pitching a gamenew35193
- 左中間さちゅうかんbetween left and center fielders (centre)new35192
- 打点だてんruns batted in; RBInew35191
- 球団きゅうだんbaseball teamnew35190
- 直球ちょくきゅうstraight ballnew35189
- 開幕戦かいまくせんopening game; (season) openernew35188
- 凡打ぼんだpoor battingnew35187
- 好投こうとうgood (nice) pitchingnew35186
- 先発せんぱつbeing in a (team sports) match or game from the start; startingnew35185
- 当たり屋あたりやskilled batter; batter on a hot streaknew35184
- 緩球かんきゅうslow ballnew35183
- 低目ひくめlow ballnew35182
- 放つはなつto hitnew35180
- トンネルトンネルfielding errornew35179
- 回かいcounter for games, rounds, etc.; counter for inningsnew35178
- 右中間うちゅうかんbetween right and center fielders (baseball) (centre)new35177
- 変化球へんかきゅうball with a change of speednew35176
- 勝ち越しかちこしmore wins than losses (sport)new35175
- 内野ないやbaseball) infield; diamondnew35174
- 二塁打にるいだtwo-base hit; doublenew35173
- 投打とうだpitching and battingnew35172
- 制球力せいきゅうりょく(pitcher's) controlnew35171
- 打撃だげきbattingnew35170
- 失点しってんrun charged to the pitchernew35169
- 降板こうばんleaving the moundnew35168
- 出塁しゅつるいon basenew35167
- 背番号せばんごうnumber on player's backnew35166
- 甲子園こうしえんKoshien (location of Koshien Stadium, where the Japan National High School Baseball Tournament is held)new35165
- 捕手ほしゅcatchernew35164
- 打席だせきbatter's box (baseball); one's turn at batnew35163
- 三振さんしんstrike outnew35162
- 四球しきゅうfour balls; base on balls (baseball); a walknew35161
- 逆転ぎゃくてんsudden) change; reversal; turn-around; coming from behindnew35160
- 本塁打ほんるいだhome runnew35159
- 野球選手やきゅうせんしゅbaseball player; ballplayernew35158
- 高校野球こうこうやきゅうhigh-school baseballnew35157
- 安打あんだsafe hitnew35156
- 犠飛ぎひsacrifice flynew35155
- 連投れんとうpitching in consecutive gamesnew35154
- 暴投ぼうとうwild pitchnew35153
- 一死いっしone outnew35152
- 先制せんせいpreempt; head-start (of several runs)new35150
- 野球帽やきゅうぼうbaseball capnew35149
- 左腕投手さわんとうしゅleft-handed baseball pitchernew35148
- 延長えんちょうextension; elongation; prolongation; lengtheningnew35147
- 完投かんとうgoing the whole distance; pitching a whole gamenew35146
- 得点とくてんscore; points made; marks obtained; runsnew35145
- 試合しあいmatch; game; bout; contestnew35144
- 死球しきゅうhit a batter by pitching a ball (dead ball)new35143
- 打者だしゃbatternew35142
- エースエースacenew35141
- 野手やしゅfieldernew35140
- 投手とうしゅpitchernew35139
- 選手せんしゅplayer (in game); team membernew35138
- 勝利しょうりvictory; triumph; conquest; success; winnew35137
- 打線だせんbaseball lineupnew35136
- 連敗れんぱいconsecutive defeats; series of defeatsnew35135
- 満塁まんるいbases loadednew35134
- 盗塁とうるいbase stealingnew35133
- 一塁いちるいfirst basenew35132
- 二塁にるいsecond basenew35131
- 三塁さんるいthird basenew35130
- 走者そうしゃrunnernew35129
- 打順だじゅんbatting ordernew35128
- 野球やきゅうbaseballnew35127