Words I like
English Public
by marapets12
Vocabulary List
- 間もなくまもなくsoon, in a short timenew27427
- ずば抜けるずばぬけるto be by far the best, to be outstandingnew27384
- 飽くまであくまでto the end, to the last, persistentlynew26084
- 尽くすつくすto devote, to exhaust, to serve (a person)new26040
- ほのぼのとするほのぼのとするto feel warm, to feel tendernew26039
- 把握するはあくするgrasp; catch; understandingnew26032
- なくなるなくなるdienew26031
- 見境なしにみさかいなしにindiscriminately, giving no head tonew25955