(n) cheerful look
fresh complexion
(exp,adj-f) cheerful (look)
healthy (complexion)
(exp) picture representing a landscape
(n) scattered (littered) paper scraps
(adj-na,n) much the same
(adj-na,n) much the same
(exp,n) give-and-take
(adj-f) natural (ability)
(n) (comp) realized interior
(exp) unnatural
out of place
forced or faked (e.g. expression)
(n) urbane and good-looking woman
(n) urbane and good-looking woman
(n) marriage due to unintended pregnancy
shotgun wedding
(adj-f) neat
(exp,v1) to be all smiles
(n) certified true copy (e.g. of document)
(exp) book containing the information
(exp) to come to believe
(exp) wholehearted
(exp) to have an idea
to have a clue
(exp) having no idea
having no clue
(exp) having no idea
having no clue
(exp) to have an idea
to have a clue
(adj-i) completely unknown
having no clue about
(exp) expresses shock at misbehaviour of a youngster
what must his parents be like?
lit: I'd like to see his parents' faces
(exp) to give birth
(exp) to stray from the path of righteousness
(exp) have sociable manners
(exp) have sociable manners
(exp) have sociable manners