(adj-i) ordinary
(exp,adj-i) thinking little of one's family
(adj-f) thing with no substitute
money can't buy
(adj-i) does not pay
not worth (one's) while
(adj-i) not good at all
(exp) to tread on thin ice (lit: to cross a dangerous bridge)
to go out on a limb
to walk a tightrope
to take risks
(adj-i) do not mind running a risk
(exp,adj-i) reluctant to
not inclined to
(exp) feel uneasy
on tenterhooks
in suspense
(exp) far beyond one's power
not at all equal
no match for
(exp,adj-i) beyond saving
(adj-i) hopeless
(exp) unable to stay (on)
feel like running away
(exp) unable to tell apart
(exp) unable to tell apart
(n) soup with no ingredients
(exp) nonsensical
(exp) to be unable to read the situation
to be unable to pick up on the mood of a conversation (e.g. A and B are complaining about C, and D joins the conversation praising C)
(exp) (id) so miserable that it is painful to look at
can't bear to look at
painful to watch
(exp) (id) So miserable that it is painful to look at
can't bear to look at
painful to watch
(exp) taking no notice
(exp) having not the slightest idea
(exp) having not the slightest idea
(exp) having not the slightest idea
(exp) indescribable
having no way to express
(adj-i) indescribable
(exp) it goes without saying
there is no need to say so, but of course
it is needless to say
it need scarcely be said
(exp) it goes without saying
there is no need to say so, but of course
it is needless to say
it need scarcely be said
(exp,adj-i) admitting no excuse
(adj-i) ineffable