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Compounds of の

  • (exp,aux) (uk) on the occasion of
  • (exp) (1) (uk) on the shores of
    by the side of (e.g. rivers, ponds)
    (2) in the neighborhood of
    in the neighbourhood of
    in the vicinity of
    close by
  • (exp) (1) (uk) on the shores of
    by the side of (e.g. rivers, ponds)
    (2) in the neighborhood of
    in the neighbourhood of
    in the vicinity of
    close by
  • (exp) so much (something) as to (e.g. so moved as to cry)
    carried away
    because of too much
  • (adv) (1) (uk) like
    similar to
    (2) as with
    in the same way
  • (n) mouth shaped like a kana "he" character
    mouth turned down at the corners
  • (n) the L-word (i.e. love)
  • (prt) used to create a rhetorical question indicating that the speaker actually believes the opposite is true
  • (prt,conj) conjunctive particle indicating a cause or reason
  • (prt) but
  • (prt) (arch) particle usually indicating a complaint
  • (n) U-shaped
  • (n) Amor
    god of love
  • (n) love nest
  • (n) madder root
  • (n,vs) overdoing
  • (n) skid row
  • (n) pith of a ditch reed
  • (exp,adv) just as one thought
    as usual
  • (n) stomach
  • (n) 10 o'clock in the evening
  • (n) (1) (arch) first-born imperial prince
    (2) most important provincial shrine
  • (n) first string (of a shamisen, etc.)
  • (n) 1st course at a banquet
  • (n) a crown of thorns
  • (n) thorny path
  • (n) (1) bean-curd lees
    soybean pulp
    refuse from tofu
    (2) deutzia
    Deutzia crenata
  • (n) two o'clock in the morning
  • (n) day of the ox (esp. in midsummer or midwinter)
  • (n) Year of the Ox