(v5r,vi) to bend loosely back and forth
(n) rickets
(suf) (together) with
(n) surroundings
(v1,vi) to stray from the right path
(v1,vi) to grumble
to make difficulties
(v4r,vi) (pol) (arch) (abbr) to be
(n) (1) (uk) something like that
that sort of thing
(2) something natural
something plausible
(n) year of the monkey
(v5r) (sl) to fail
to stuff up
(v1,aux-v) (arch) to make (old causative verbal ending)
to let
(n) (1) (arch) red-banded sand wasp (Ammophila sabulosa)
(2) deer
(conj) thereupon
(adv,adv-to) (on-mim) with a smooth, unhindered motion
speedily and without delay
(v1,vi) to slide
to slip off
to get dislocated
to be out of alignment
to get dislodged
to deviate
to shift (position)
to be out of sync.
to be slightly off
to be off-point
(v5r) to perform a small motion repetitively (i.e. picking or poking something)
(v5r,vt) to demand money
to pester
to extort
(aux-v,v5r) wanting to (verb) (not used in the first person, combination of ~tai and ~garu)
(exp,adv) (after a noun) speaking of... (used to introduce a topic emphatically)
(n) rafter
(int) "Shut up!"
"Be quiet!"
(v1,vi) (1) to lose interest
to weaken
to slacken
(2) to lose value after a peak (e.g. stock)
(v5r) (sl) to tattle
to inform a superior of someone's actions
(v5r,vt) (1) (col) to wet oneself
to shit oneself
(2) to be miserly
(n) traditional Japanese woodworking saw
bow saw
(n) vine
(n) pot with a bail for a handle
(v5r) to be (formal, literary)
(exp,vs-i) (1) (after volitional form of verb) to try to (verb)
(after dictionary form) to (decide to) do
(2) to take as
to treat as
(3) to use for
(4) to suppose that (such) is the case
(5) to decide that
to think that
(6) to make into
to change into
(7) (after sound symbolism word) to feel
to look
(8) to intend
to have the intention
(v1) to be flustered
to be confused