(exp) to have a surreptitious sexual relationship with
to have an illicit love affair with
(exp) to vent one's anger
(exp) (obs) to enjoy prosperity
(exp) (uk) to make a gift of
(exp) to get tired of waiting
to grow impatient
(exp) to lose one's temper
(exp,v5k) to impose a gag order
to hush up
to order someone not to mention something
(exp,v5k) to impose a gag order
to hush up
to order someone not to mention something
(exp,v5m) (obsc) like trying to scoop water with a basket (i.e. impossible, a waste of time & energy)
(exp) to impose a gag rule
(exp) (obs) to draw upon one's profound knowledge
(exp) (obs) to master the secrets of
(exp) (obs) to draw upon one's profound knowledge
(exp) to use sophistry
(exp) (obs) to crack jokes
(exp) to give one's life
to lay down one's life
(exp) to be infatuated
to be hooked on
(exp) to siphon profits
(exp) (obs) to draw upon one's profound knowledge
(exp) to be horrified
to be filled with trepidation
(exp) to suck up to
(exp,v1) to feel hungry
to get hungry
(exp) to get a good scolding
(exp,v5u) to have to wait (for the realization of something hoped for)
to be forced to postpone
(exp,v1) (1) to draw the line (between two situations)
to make a clear distinction
(2) to take clear responsibility for (mistakes, etc.)
(exp) (1) to hang one's head
(2) to bow down
(exp,adv) to sum things up
in short
in other words
(exp) cannot avoid doing
cannot help but (do)
is compelled to do
(feel) obliged to (do)
has to do
(exp) (col) to act self-importantly
to be arrogant
to be high-handed
to puff up
(exp) to go on tour
to be on the road (e.g. theatre troupe) (theater)