(exp) to set a ladder up against
(exp) to gasp in or with surprise
(exp) to make one's story to seem coherent
to adjust one's story to fit the situation
(exp,v5k) to be jealous
(exp,v5k) to be jealous
(exp) to build one's career
(exp,v5r) to pitch camp
(exp) to take one's hat off
(exp,v5r) to make a start
(exp,v1) to throw in the towel
(exp) to gasp in or with surprise
(exp) to keep balance
(exp,v5t) put an end (to)
close the books (on)
(exp) to be a bench polisher
(exp,v1) to fasten a button
(exp,v5r) to label (someone as)
(exp) to make oneself pleasant to everybody
to smile at everybody
to try to please everybody
to make things pleasant
(exp,vs-i) to play pranks (on)
to joke around
(exp) to affect adversely
to have a negative influence (on)
(exp) bad news travels fast
(exp) bad news travels quickly
(exp) to rise to the highest possible rank
(exp) not making sense
(exp) (obs) to rule the world
(exp) to be jostling against each other
(exp,v1) to give an impression
to make an impression
(exp) to feel inferior
to feel small
(exp,v5u) to insult someone behind their back
(exp) slow but steady wins the race
constant effort will result in success (lit: constant dripping wears away a stone)
(exp) to be gossiped about