(n,adj-no) selfishness
(adj-no) self-centered
stuck on oneself
(n) center of mass (centre)
(n) in the middle of something
(adv) currently accepting (applications, etc.)
(n) (comp) centralized management
(n,vs) (making, launching) concentrated attack (on, against)
(n) closely-packed series of lectures
intensive course
(n) local downpour
severe rain fall
(n) (comp) centralized (data) processing
(n) (comp) centralized control
(n) concentrated fire
(n-adv,n) 8 or 9 cases out of ten
in all probability
(n-adv,n) 8 or 9 cases out of ten
in all probability
(n) summer vacation
(n) summer greeting card
inquiry after someone's health in the hot season
(n) mid-summer menu
(n) (obs) domestic service
working as a housemaid
domestic help
domestic helper
(n) elementary and middle schools
(n) elementary and middle school pupils
(n) apple of one's eye
(n) bacteria capable of causing food poisoning
(n) junior high school (operated under post-war guidelines)
(n-adv,n) midst
middle of
height of
(n) right in the midst of
right at the height of
(n) right in the midst of
right at the height of
(n) right in the midst of
right at the height of
(n,adj-no) nerve centre
(n) (abbr) abortion
(n) visiting soldiers at the front to provide comfort
visit to (gift for) persons hard at work as a sign of support