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Compounds of 方

  • (n) one who is affable to everybody
    a flunky
    person beautiful from all angles
    everybody's friend
    person who shows people what they want to see
  • (n) staring at or watching all sides
  • (adv,pn) (1) (uk) here and there
    (vs) (2) to get things in the wrong order (back to front)
    to become muddled up
  • (adv,pn) (1) (uk) here and there
    (vs) (2) to get things in the wrong order (back to front)
    to become muddled up
  • (adv,pn) (1) (uk) here and there
    (vs) (2) to get things in the wrong order (back to front)
    to become muddled up
  • (ok) (adv,pn) (1) (uk) here and there
  • (adv,pn) (1) (uk) here and there
  • (exp) leaving everything to Buddha's providence
    depending on others
    leaving things to others
  • (n) (comp) writing mode
  • (adj-na,n,adj-no) irreproachable conduct
  • (n) (obsc) separating words with spaces
  • (n) (comp) modulation method
  • (n) way of living
  • (exp) (after past tense verb) had better (verb)
    (after negative verb) had better not (verb)
  • (exp) to settle (a problem)
    to put an end to (a dispute)
    to be disposed of
    to be settled
    to come to an end
  • (exp) I would rather
    I would as lief do
    strong preference
  • (exp) (after past tense verb) had better (verb)
    (after negative verb) had better not (verb)
  • (exp) I would rather
    I would as lief do
    strong preference
  • (exp) to settle (a problem)
    to put an end to (a dispute)
    to be disposed of
    to be settled
    to come to an end
  • (exp) (after past tense verb) had better (verb)
    (after negative verb) had better not (verb)
  • (exp) (after past tense verb) had better (verb)
    (after negative verb) had better not (verb)
  • (n) compass
  • (n,vs) directing
  • (n) (comp) cursor key
  • (n) (person with) no sense of direction
    poor sense of locality
  • (n) sense of direction
  • (n) direction coefficient
  • (n,vs) change of course
  • (n,vs) directing
  • (n) direction cosine