(n) occultism (Western)
(n) mystique
(adj-na) mysterious
(n-adv,n) (obs) tenth month of the lunar calendar
(n-adv,n) (obs) tenth month of the lunar calendar
(n) (post-Heian) shrine dedicated to Amaterasu
(n) style of shrine architecture based on that of Ise Jingu
(n) collection of mythology
(n) entreaty to a deity
(n) Shinri-kyo (sect of Shinto)
(n) mythology
(n,vs) divine possession
(n) personal god (i.e. a god who has human form, emotions, etc.)
(n) living god
(n) psychiatry
(adj-na) mental
(n) psychic waves
(n) mental illness
(n) emotional strength
force of will
(n) polytheism
(n) polytheism
(n) daikagura
sehi camelia
Camellia japonica var.
(n) sun god
(n) (arch) (hon) god
(n) the Grand Shrine at Ise
(n) auditory nerve
(n) gods of restoration (who purify sin, etc.)
(n) gods of restoration (who purify sin, etc.)
(n) heavenly gods
(n) goatee
drooping moustache