(n) (obsc) acquired idea (as opposed to innate)
acquired ideas
(n) (Buddh) Cundi (manifestation of Avalokitesvara)
(n) (Buddh) Cundi (manifestation of Avalokitesvara)
(n) (Buddh) Aryavalokitesvara (manifestation of Avalokitesvara)
(n) innate idea
innate ideas
(n) (Buddh) Aryavalokitesvara (manifestation of Avalokitesvara)
(n) thousand-armed Goddess of Mercy
(n,vs) looking on with folded arms (with one's hands in one's sleeves)
remaining a passive onlooker
(n) the orientation of time and place
awareness of the existing situation
(n) seismic observation
(n) Jougan period (of art history, 859-877 CE)
(n) sense of virtue
(n) fixed point observation
(n) astronomical observation
(n) Naikan therapy (type of group psychotherapy)
(n) antarctic exploration
(n) (Buddh) Hayagriva (manifestation of Avalokitesvara with an ornament in the shape of a horse's head)
(n) pessimist
(n) probation
(n) sense of direction
(adv) as a spectator
(n) (obsc) innate idea
innate ideas
(n) historical materialism
(n,vs) stand idly by and watch
(n,vs) stand idly by and watch
(n) latitude observatory
(n) pessimist
(n) (comp) look & feel
(n) tourist information center
tourist information centre
(n) observational study