(n) (1) the seven forms of Avalokitesvara
(2) the seven Avalokitesvaras of Kyoto
(n) subjectivity
(adj-na) subjective
(n) subjectivism
(n) one's view (opinion) of women
(n) small ego
(n) view of life
(n) (1) world view
outlook on the world
Weltanschauung (philosophy)
(2) appearance of a world (e.g. in fiction)
(n) (Buddh) Aryavalokitesvara (manifestation of Avalokitesvara)
(n) (Buddh) Aryavalokitesvara (manifestation of Avalokitesvara)
(n) preconception
preconceived notion
(n) side view
(n) one's view (opinion) of men
(n) eidetic imagery
(adj-na) intuitive
(n) entrance fee
(adj-na) pessimistic
(n) pessimism
(n) considering all people as equals
(n) onlooker
(n) sense of the vanity of life
perception of the evanescence of life
(n) visitor (to an exhibit)
(n) historical viewpoint
(n) philosophy of love
(n) the Six Forms of Avalokitesvara (one for each of the six realms)
(n) the Six Forms of Avalokitesvara (one for each of the six realms)
(n) (Buddh) simultaneous contemplation of the threefold truth (form of Tendai meditation)
(exp) to view (cherry) blossoms
(n) oceanographic observation
(n,adj-no) optimism