(n) (comp) observed data
(n) wishful thinking
(n) weather ship
(n) objectivist
(n) Synoptic Gospels
(n) subjectivist
(n) eleven-faced Goddess of Mercy
(n) (comp) point of control and observation
(n) (Buddh) Cintamani-cakra (manifestation of Avalokitesvara)
(n) pessimist
(n) Minister for Culture and Tourism
(n) corona observatory
(n) German idealism
(n) scientific research satellite
(exp) (obsc) to excite the spectators
(exp) to change one's point of view
(n) objective idealism
(n) Kounin-Jougan period (of Japanese art history, approx. 794-894 CE)
(n) subjective idealism
(n) Ekadasamukha (eleven-faced Avalokitesvara)
(n) aquatic life survey
(n) earth observation satellite
(n) (Buddh) Amoghapasa (manifestation of Amalokitesvara)
(n) (Buddh) Amoghapasa (manifestation of Amalokitesvara)
(n) (ling) linguistic conceptualism
(n) transcendental idealism
(n) observation helicopter
(exp,v5r) to observe the reasons and types of faults a person makes is to come to know whether they are virtuous or not