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でもない でもない
Word or expression in common usage
Expressions (phrases, clauses, etc.)
  • denying explicitly one thing and also denying implicitly other things as well

Word or expression in common usage
Expressions (phrases, clauses, etc.)
  • not like (you)
  • not (your) usual self


  • Japanese 圭はその問いにギクリとさせられたが、頭を何でもないといいたそうに横に振る。
    English Kei is startled by that question, but shakes her head as it to say that it's nothing.
  • Japanese 梅雨時でもないんだから、傘は要らないんじゃない。
    English Since it's not the rainy season, there's no need for an umbrella.
  • Japanese 万人の友は誰の友でもない
    English A friend to all is a friend to none.
  • Japanese 特に理解力がある訳でもない普通の中学生です。
    English He's just a normal junior high school student, not particularly intelligent.
  • Japanese 山火事は、樹木が燃えるだけの被害と理解されていますが、実はとんでもない「隠れキャラ」があります。
    English Mountain fires are thought of causing little harm with the only damage being the burning of trees and shrubs, but actually there's a hell of a 'hidden character'.
  • Japanese その時、二人の間に師弟を越えた友情のようなものが芽生えた事は言うまでもない
    English It goes without saying that at that time a kind of friendship beyond master and disciple grew between the two of them.
  • Japanese 言うまでもないことだが捜索は徒労に終わった。
    English It goes without saying, but the search ended in vain.
  • Japanese 「見た目は悪くないがちょっと軽薄そう」な外見とは裏腹に、彼女はいないし、女性に手が早いワケでもない
    English In contrast to his "not bad looks but seems a bit of a dandy" appearance, he didn't have a girlfriend and he wasn't particularly fast with the ladies.
  • Japanese 「まあその、自慢できる事でもないんだけど」というか、臆面もなく吹聴できる話でもない。
    English "Well, that is, it's not something I can boast of," in fact it's not something I can talk unashamedly about in public.
  • Japanese 友情が仕事より大切なのは言うまでもない
    English It goes without saying that friendship is more important than business.
  • Japanese 不可能以外のなにものでもない
    English It's all but impossible.
  • Japanese 美術に凝っているわけでもない
    English I'm not much of a one for art.
  • Japanese 疲れているならば、休みをとるべきなのは、言うまでもないことだ。
    English It gone without saying, if you are tired, you should take a rest.
  • Japanese 彼女は裕福でもなければ有名でもない
    English She's neither rich nor famous.
  • Japanese 彼女は彼にとってなんでもない人だ。
  • Japanese 彼女は昨夜とんでもない時間に電話してきた。
    English She called me at an unearthly hour last night.
  • Japanese 彼女は歌手だなんてとんでもない
    English She is anything but a singer.
  • Japanese 彼女はドイツ語をしゃべれる。英語は言うまでもない
    English She can speak German, not to mention English.
  • Japanese 彼女はスペイン語を話せる。ましてや英語は言うまでもない
    English She can speak Spanish, much more English.
  • Japanese 彼女はああでもないこうでもないと悩んだ。
    English She was at a loss for what to do.



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