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祝詞 のとDictionary
noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
  • Shinto ritual prayer
納刀 のとDictionary
noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
noun or participle which takes the aux. verb suru
  • maneuver to return a sword to its scabbard


  • Japanese 町田は古いものと新しいものが入り交じった面白い街です。
    English Machida is an interesting city that's a mix of the old and the new.
  • Japanese 小学校のときから、酸性・アルカリ性という性質をリトマス紙で調べたりしてきていますね。
    English Since primary school we've been checking for the qualities known as acidity and alkalinity with litmus paper.
  • Japanese 中国がより積極的な役割を発揮していくものと信じる。
    English I trust that China will go on to take a more active part.
  • Japanese 登場する人物、団体および地名は実在するものと一切関係ありません。
    English There is no relation between characters appearing, organisations and places to those that really exist.
  • Japanese NATOはそのときにボスニアのセルビア人の基地などを空爆した。
    English At that time, NATO bombed the bases of the Bosnian Serbs.
  • Japanese 私は14歳のときに、父をくも膜下出血で亡くした。
    English I lost my father to a subarachnoid haemorrhage when I was fourteen.
  • Japanese 薫、今のところおまえが一番のリアクション、大賞だよ。
    English Kaoru, yours is the best reaction so far - you win the grand prize.
  • Japanese また一方で、若者たちは仏教に触れる中で、仏教を心の支えに必要なものと考え始めているようだ。
    English On the other hand, there seem to be those among young folk who, while touching on Buddhism, have started to think of it as a vital spiritual support.
  • Japaneseのとき除雪車は確かに私たちの英雄でした。
    English At that time the snow plow was certainly our hero.
  • Japanese あの亜弓って子、まだ13歳だけど5つのときから子役として映画や舞台に出演。
    English That 'Ayumi' kid, only 13 but has performed in movies and theatres as a child actor since she was five.
  • Japanese 金利は、債務者が負担する事業リスクに応じて定まるものと存じます。
    English I know that interest rates are fixed in accordance to the borrower's business risk.
  • Japanese 我々ACME Ltd.としては、全力を持って敵対的買収に対抗するものと、明言しておこう。
    English We, ACME Ltd., hereby announce that we will resist with all our strength this hostile takeover.
  • Japaneseのところ、即決を悔やんでないといったら嘘だった。
    English Truthfully, if I'd said I didn't have any regrets over my snap decision I'd have been lying.
  • Japanese 教室に入って席に着くのとほぼ同時に、始業を知らせるチャイムの音が鳴り響く。
    English About the same time as he entered the classroom and arrived at his seat, the chime to announce class rings across the school.
  • Japanese 先日友達のところに立ち寄ったとき、玄関からは友達でなく、 その旦那が顔を出した。
    English The other day when I stopped by at a friend's house, it wasn't my friend that came out of the front door, but her husband.
  • Japanese そうじゃない。性差別やら女性蔑視やら、そういうものとは関係なく、男と女は違うんだ。
    English That's not what I meant. I'm not being sexist. Men and women are just different.
  • Japanese 能力には早く上達するものとゆっくり上達するものがありますよね?
    English There are abilities that improve rapidly and those that improve slowly, aren't there?
  • Japanese 曇天の日は晴天のときより音がよく聞こえるのです。
    English On cloudy days, you can hear distant sounds better than in clear weather.
  • Japanese 数学。行列式のところが宿題になってるんだけど・・・どうも僕にはついていけなくて・・・。
    English Maths. Homework's about derivatives, but I really can't seem to cope with it.
  • Japanese しかし、実は適度なストレスは、身体の健康にとって必要なものとなっています。
    English However, a suitable level of stress is actually a necessary thing for your body's health.



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