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ママ ママDictionary
Word or expression in common usage
noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
  • Mama

Word or expression in common usage
noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
  • female proprietress (of a bar, etc.)
間々 ままDictionary
adverb (fukushi)
  • occasionally
  • now and then
  • sometimes
間間 ままDictionary
adverb (fukushi)
  • occasionally
  • now and then
  • sometimes
  • as it is
  • as one likes
  • because
  • as
Word or expression in common usage
  • as it is
  • as one likes
  • because
  • as


  • Japanese 物事は、ありのまま見るのではなく、自分自身をそこに見る。
  • Japanese 赤ちゃんは泣かせたままにしてはいけないのでしょうか?
    English Is it wrong to leave my baby crying?
  • Japanese このままではわが国の国際競争力はさらに低下する恐れが大きい。
    English At this rate, the risk is high that our country's competitive position will drop even further.
  • Japanese このままいくと120歳まで生きそうだよ。
    English If you keep on like this, you'll probably live to reach 120!
  • Japanese 絶対トイレの蓋を開けたままにするなよ。
    English Whatever you do don't leave the lid up on the toilet!
  • Japanese 獲得した優先権を無駄にしないために、そのまま切らずにお待ちください。
    English Please hold the line so as not to lose your place in the queue.
  • Japanese 入学して1か月・・・まだ一人も友達がいないってのはやばすぎる。このままじゃ中学の二の舞だ!!
    English One month since entering high school ... not a single friend yet. That's really terrible, at this rate it will be middle-school all over again!!
  • Japanese このまま障壁を張っていても死ぬのを待つだけだ!だから俺たちは障壁の外に出て、敵を迎撃する、いいな!?
    English To keep holding the barrier up is just to wait for death! So we're going to go out past the wall and counter attack the enemy, you ready!?
  • Japanese 自分ができそこないであると気が付いたまま生きていくのは辛いことだ。
    English It's hard to live with the knowledge that you are a failure.
  • Japanese 戸籍上の縁は切れても、昔日の絆はそのままだ。
    English Our connection may be cut on paper but the bonds of old remain as they were.
  • Japanese 元気な声がそのまま返ってくる。杞憂だったかな・・・。
    English Her cheerful voice responded just like that. Guess I was worrying over nothing...
  • Japanese コンビニが女子であふれかえってて、押し分けて中にはいる気もせず、そのまま帰った。
    English The convenience store was overflowing with girls, I didn't have the urge to push my way through them and went home as I was.
  • Japanese いいのよ。いままで実のないブランド品を高く売りつけて暴利をむさぼってきたんだから。今後せいぜい良心的な商売にはげめばいいんだわ。
    English Never mind that. After all up till now he's stuffed himself on huge profit selling high brand-name goods of no real worth. From now on he can just try his best at honest trade.
  • Japanese 列車はひどく混んでいたので私はずっと立ったままでいなければならなかった。
    English The train was so crowded that I had to keep standing all the way.
  • Japanese 問題を未解決のままにしておくのはいけません。
    English You mustn't leave your problems unsolved.
  • Japanese 問題をこのままにしておいてはいけない。
    English We shouldn't let the problem rest here.
  • Japanese 問題は未解決のままだ。
    English The question is left in abeyance.
  • Japanese 目を閉じたままで彼はベンチに座っていた。
    English He was sitting on a bench with his eyes closed.
  • Japanese 木曜日、停戦会談は、何の進展もないまま終了しました。
    English Cease-fire talks concluded without progress Thursday.
  • Japanese 明かりをつけっぱなしにしたままで寝てはいけない。



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