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付き つき
Word or expression in common usage
noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
noun, used as a suffix
  • furnished with
  • including

Word or expression in common usage
noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
noun, used as a suffix
  • attached to

Word or expression in common usage
noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
noun, used as a suffix
  • impression
  • appearance

  • soup base
付き づき
noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
noun, used as a suffix
  • furnished with
  • including

noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
noun, used as a suffix
  • attached to

noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
noun, used as a suffix
  • impression
  • appearance

  • soup base


    • onyomi
    • kunyomiつ.ける-つ.ける-づ.けるつ.けつ.け--つ.け-づ.け-づけつ.く-づ.くつ.き-つ.き-つき-づ.き-づき
    • meaningadhere; attach; refer to; append


  • Japanese この天気とは気長に付き合っていくしかない。
    English You have to learn to put up with this weather.
  • Japanese 10分だけ付き合おう。
    English I can spare you just 10 minutes.
  • Japanese 「じゃ留年しなかったら付き合ってくれんの?」「タラレバ話って好きじゃないの」
    English "So, you'll go out with me if I don't have to repeat a year?" "I don't care for 'what if' stories."
  • Japanese 「ご注文は?」「オレンジジュース」「アイス付きで?」「そう」「まいど」
    English "Your order?" "Orange juice." "With ice?" "Yes." "Thanks for your business."
  • Japanese 次回につづく、ということで、どうかお付き合いのほど、平にお願いいたします。
    English To be continued next time, and thus I most humbly request your attendance then.
  • Japanese 「お前に付き合うほど暇じゃない」「なんかしょぼんだよぉ」
    English "I haven't got the time to keep up with you." "That's rather depressing."
  • Japanese 付き人も連れずどこほっつき歩いてんですか。
    English Just where have you been loitering around without your attendants?
  • Japanese 場所の確認:見合いの場所を本人か付き添い人が下見をしておきましょう。
    English Location check: The parties involved themselves or their attendants should look over the place for the miai meeting in advance.
  • Japanese 一郎はどことなく傷ついたように言ったが、それが嘘っぱちであることはこいつとの長年の付き合いが教えてくれた。
    English Ichiro sounded somehow upset but my long years of hanging out with him told me that it was out and out fake.
  • Japanese ほら、付き合ったばっかりの頃ってベタベタしたいじゃない?
    English You see, when you have just started a relationship you want to be close to each other don't you?
  • Japanese うっとうしい梅雨期に、すっきりしない話で恐縮ですが、少しの間お付き合いください。
    English I'm ashamed to tell such a muddled story in this dreary, rainy season, but please bear with me for a while.
  • Japanese 両親は私が男と付き合うことを絶対に許そうとはしなかった。
    English My parents would not let me go out with boys.
  • Japanese 浴室付きの二人部屋をお願いしています。
  • Japanese 浴室付きの一人部屋ですね。
    English Single with bath, right?
  • Japanese 葉が色付き始めた。
    English The leaves have begun to color.
  • Japanese 名声は必ずしも成功に付き物というわけではない。
    English Fame is not always an accompaniment of success.
  • Japanese 僕のこと好きじゃないのに付き合ってたってこと?
    English You don't like me, but you were dating me?
  • Japanese 僕はこの3年間彼女だけと付き合っている。
    English I've been going steady with her for three years.
  • Japanese 母は忙しすぎて私が出て行くのに気付きませんでした。
    English Mother was too busy to see me go out.
  • Japanese 付き合う仲間を見れば、その人がわかる。
    English A man is known by the company he keeps.



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